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Soundcharts music analytics

Track Mechanical Royalties

Monitor your music’s performance globally on major DSPs like Spotify, Apple Music, and more to capture all mechanical royalties. Get real-time insights on trends and markets.

Explore our Spotify tracking →

Soundcharts Music Streaming data

Monitor Radio Royalties

Ensure you earn all public performance royalties by tracking your music across 2,400 radio stations worldwide in real-time.

Discover our Radio Tracking →

Clean your metadata

Unify data from multiple sources, including ISRCs, for a complete track overview. Eliminate leftovers in the "Black Box" and collect all your royalties.

Explore our data sources →

Music Metadata on Soundcharts

Strengthen your pitches and uncover growth opportunities

Measure your music’s performance across social media, charts, and playlists to identify key trends. Use this data to refine your pitches and target the right curators.

Explore our Playlists tracking →

Soundcharts music data sources

Integrate our data into your tools

Integrate Soundcharts directly into your platform via our API to enhance your workflow. With seamless integration, you can get key performance insights to optimize decisions and save time.

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Soundcharts' API

Explore our data sources

Radio airplay

  • 2,400+ radio stations in 86 different countries.

Spotify analytics

  • Consumption, Audience, and Playlist Exposure on the world’s leading streaming platform  

Apple ecosystem tracking

  • From Apple Music playlists and iTunes charts to Shazam discovery insights

Playlists monitoring across major streaming platforms

  • 7M+ playlists across Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, YouTube, Deezer, Tidal, Boomplay, Deezer, Gaana, and Jiosaavn.

Digital charts

  • 26,000+ charts from 247 countries across 19 platforms.

Social media metrics

  • Audience demographics, engagement, and content reports.
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